
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Whois of Website analysis and Whois providers

 View Whois of your Website analysis and Whois providers
Self appointed whois and web analysis providers with unfair commercial motive are increasing day by day on the Net.They appears and go to the highest positions of search engine's list rank within a few days showing only whois records prepared by the corresponding Registrars and providing some automated absurd analysis(In most cases)of others sites to their visitors with consequent lowering down of search list rank of those sites whose WHOIS had been prepared by said providers by the most search engines might have observed by the site owners.

And these "Provider" sites do not have original topics to present before the world.They survive on the Net as "Parasites" some times causing immature death of small and medium websites often. However I have found a unique list on the NET consisting of whois records of these Parasites.

Use of voice calls for deprived class of India by Abtak.Net

Use of voice calls for deprived class of India by multipurpose Abtak.Net

 Did you ever go through this site named Abtak? We have found the multipurpose activity of the site. Lately this site introduced a good page for backward and deprived class of the Indian Society.

Yes I am discussing about their Janata Net Swara web page. This unique page shows how cell phones can be used for real welfare of really deprived class.They have chosen a tribal belt of India for this purpose.
Undeveloped Tribal society of India who are neglected by the Govt. and under unjustified situation socially can access this service freely using a cell phone or a fixed phone.